Hello everyone,
For a long time I've been bouncing between projects and not sticking with one. Probably all down to what life throws at you.
So lately, I've moved from Godot to using Raylib. Godot as an engine is amazing for not only beginners, but for advanced users too with its native development cycle. Raylib however, being a very cut down framework opens up a lot of options. You can find my latest project here.
My development platform:
- OS: EndeavourOS + Wayland + KDE
- PC: Higole F9B 512Gb model with 16Gb RAM. Intel N100.
- Software: VSCode, OpenMPT(Audio), Blender(3D), Inkscape(Vector), Krita(Artwork)
The main reason for choosing Raylib over Godot is simply that I have raw access to what is being rendered. Raylib is a C framework and I am building my own framework in C++ over the top of it.
An example of the simplification can be seen in the source code.
These last 2 weeks have mainly been getting used to the API itself and its data structures. And now I am moving over to using shaders for the first time manually.
Although saying that Raylib is cut down. It still has everything I need right now without all the extra bloat. And once I've gone through the API and C++'ified it, building applications should be much easier.
2025 should be a creative year for me... See you there...