Elsewhere there are things that we all miss, yet it takes just one to notice...

Perfect Maze now working

After a thorough going over of the code, I’ve managed to get this one working. Although painfully slow, at least it works. In the future I will be looking at other algorithms which are much faster. I only remembered this one from a long time ago so I just thought I’d have a go on my own without any help with implementing it.

// File: generate.agc
// Created: 19-09-21

	Attempting to generate a maze using a decent algorithm.
	Unfortunately this particular algorith is painfully slow,
	but for the time being, it does work.

type MAZE
	seed as integer
	wid as integer
	hgt as integer
	maze as integer[0,0]

function maze_get_odd_random(max as integer)
	val = random(0, ((max - 2) / 2)) * 2 + 1
endfunction val

function maze_not_visited(obj ref as MAZE, xpos, ypos)
	val = obj.maze[ypos, xpos]
endfunction val

	The width and height have to be even numbers.
	NB: In AGK this means 0 to width (as even) for example
		NOT 0 to width - 1

function maze_gen(obj ref as MAZE, wid as integer, hgt as integer, seed as integer)
	obj.seed = seed
	obj.wid = wid
	obj.hgt = hgt

		Wierd way of assigning a multidimensional array
		Assign the first dimensions length
		And then assign the length of each separate part
		a[0].length = 5 (giving a[0,4])
		is not the same as
		a[1].length = 10 (which gives a[1,9])
		Also, AGK arrays end with the value assigned.
		ie. length is 10 so the array goes from 0 to 10
		instead of 0 to 9.
	obj.maze.length = hgt

	for c = 0 to hgt
		obj.maze[c].length = wid
		for x = 0 to wid
			obj.maze[c, x] = 1
	next c
		If I remember correctly, I choose a random cell.
		But, it has to be, erm, ODD or EVEN???
		I will find out...
		It has to be odd.
	currentx = maze_get_odd_random(wid)
	currenty = maze_get_odd_random(hgt)
	// set position to 0
	obj.maze[currenty, currentx] = 0
	done = 0
		// iterations to run through (might increase)
		for route = 0 to 63
				Basically direction is UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT
			direction = random(0, 3)
			select direction
				case 0:
					if currenty - 2 > 0
						if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx, currenty - 2)
							obj.maze[currenty - 2, currentx] = 0 // clear path
							obj.maze[currenty - 1, currentx] = 0 // between
						dec currenty, 2
				case 1:
					if currenty + 2 < hgt
						if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx, currenty + 2)
							obj.maze[currenty + 2, currentx] = 0
							obj.maze[currenty + 1, currentx] = 0
						inc currenty, 2
				case 2:
					if currentx - 2 > 0
						if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx - 2, currenty)
							obj.maze[currenty, currentx - 2] = 0
							obj.maze[currenty, currentx - 1] = 0
						dec currentx, 2
				case 3:
					if currentx + 2 < wid
						if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx + 2, currenty)
							obj.maze[currenty, currentx + 2] = 0
							obj.maze[currenty, currentx + 1] = 0
						inc currentx, 2
			Print this mazes iteration (just for testing)
		Print( ScreenFPS() )
			Check if maze is done (the silly bit)
		done = 0
		for h = 1 to hgt - 1 step 2
			for w = 1 to wid - 1 step 2
				if obj.maze[h, w] = 1
					done = 1
					exit // quick exit if not done
			if done = 1 then exit
	until done = 0
endfunction obj

function maze_print(obj ref as MAZE)
	print (obj.wid)
	print (obj.hgt)
	//print (random(0, 2) - 1) // HUH
	for h = 0 to obj.hgt
		s as string = ""
		for w = 0 to obj.wid
			if obj.maze[h, w] = 1 then s = s + "#" else s = s + " "
		print (s)

Hmm… Almost…

// File: generate.agc
// Created: 19-09-21

	Attempting to generate a maze using a decent algorithm

type MAZE
	seed as integer
	wid as integer
	hgt as integer
	maze as integer[0,0]

function maze_get_odd_random(max as integer)
	val = random(0, max / 2) + 1
endfunction val

function maze_not_visited(obj as MAZE, xpos, ypos)
	val = obj.maze[ypos, xpos]
endfunction val

	The width and height have to be even numbers.
	NB: In AGK this means 0 to width (as even) for example
		NOT 0 to width - 1

function maze_gen(obj ref as MAZE, wid as integer, hgt as integer, seed as integer)
	obj.seed = seed
	obj.wid = wid
	obj.hgt = hgt

		Wierd way of assigning a multidimensional array
		Assign the first dimensions length
		And then assign the length of each separate part
		a[0].length = 5 (giving a[0,4])
		is not the same as
		a[1].length = 10 (which gives a[1,9])
		Also, AGK arrays end with the value assigned.
		ie. length is 10 so the array goes from 0 to 10
		instead of 0 to 9.
	obj.maze.length = hgt

	for c = 0 to hgt
		obj.maze[c].length = wid
		for x = 0 to wid
			obj.maze[c, x] = 1
	next c
		If I remember correctly, I choose a random cell.
		But, it has to be, erm, ODD or EVEN???
		I will find out...
		It has to be odd.
	currentx = maze_get_odd_random(wid)
	currenty = maze_get_odd_random(hgt)
	// set position to 0
	obj.maze[currenty, currentx] = 0
	done = 0
		// iterations to run through (might increase)
		for route = 0 to 3
				Basically direction is UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT
			direction = random(0, 3)
			select direction
				case 0:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx, currenty - 2) and currenty - 2 > 0
						obj.maze[currenty - 2, currentx] = 0 // clear path
						obj.maze[currenty - 1, currentx] = 0 // between
						currenty = currenty - 2
				case 1:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx, currenty + 2) and currenty +2 < hgt
						obj.maze[currenty + 2, currentx] = 0
						obj.maze[currenty + 1, currentx] = 0
						currenty = currenty + 2
				case 2:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx - 2, currenty) and currentx - 2 > 0
						obj.maze[currenty - 2, currentx] = 0
						obj.maze[currenty - 1, currentx] = 0
						currentx = currentx - 2
				case 3:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx + 2, currenty) and currentx + 2 < wid
						obj.maze[currenty, currentx + 2] = 0
						obj.maze[currenty, currentx + 1] = 0
						currentx = currentx + 2
			Check if maze is done (the silly bit)
		for h = 1 to hgt - 1 step 2
			for w = 1 to wid - 1 step 2
				if obj.maze[h, w] = 1
					done = 1
					exit // quick exit if not done
			if done = 1 then exit
	until done = 0
endfunction obj

function maze_print(obj ref as MAZE)
	print (obj.wid)
	print (obj.hgt)
	print (random(0, 2) - 1) // HUH
	for h = 0 to obj.hgt
		s as string = ""
		for w = 0 to obj.wid
			if obj.maze[h, w] = 1 then s = s + "#" else s = s + " "
		print (s)

Not quite working… Need a nap… Not well…

A Perfect Maze

So I got an algorithm done last week that produced a perfect maze. Unfortunately though, I wiped my 2 x 1Tb SSD’s on my PC and didn’t back up the code.

So I am starting again.

(I’m not too good by the way, so I am documenting this)

I didn’t want a recursive algorithm because I think that on low end architecture this would be bad for memory usage. This meant that the algorithm would possibly be slower. For a 40 by 40 maze it would still be instant, even though there was a silly check in there.

Here goes. (back soon with some snippets)

I’m using AGK and will port everything to C.

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