Elsewhere there are things that we all miss, yet it takes just one to notice...

Hmm… Almost…

// File: generate.agc
// Created: 19-09-21

	Attempting to generate a maze using a decent algorithm

type MAZE
	seed as integer
	wid as integer
	hgt as integer
	maze as integer[0,0]

function maze_get_odd_random(max as integer)
	val = random(0, max / 2) + 1
endfunction val

function maze_not_visited(obj as MAZE, xpos, ypos)
	val = obj.maze[ypos, xpos]
endfunction val

	The width and height have to be even numbers.
	NB: In AGK this means 0 to width (as even) for example
		NOT 0 to width - 1

function maze_gen(obj ref as MAZE, wid as integer, hgt as integer, seed as integer)
	obj.seed = seed
	obj.wid = wid
	obj.hgt = hgt

		Wierd way of assigning a multidimensional array
		Assign the first dimensions length
		And then assign the length of each separate part
		a[0].length = 5 (giving a[0,4])
		is not the same as
		a[1].length = 10 (which gives a[1,9])
		Also, AGK arrays end with the value assigned.
		ie. length is 10 so the array goes from 0 to 10
		instead of 0 to 9.
	obj.maze.length = hgt

	for c = 0 to hgt
		obj.maze[c].length = wid
		for x = 0 to wid
			obj.maze[c, x] = 1
	next c
		If I remember correctly, I choose a random cell.
		But, it has to be, erm, ODD or EVEN???
		I will find out...
		It has to be odd.
	currentx = maze_get_odd_random(wid)
	currenty = maze_get_odd_random(hgt)
	// set position to 0
	obj.maze[currenty, currentx] = 0
	done = 0
		// iterations to run through (might increase)
		for route = 0 to 3
				Basically direction is UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT
			direction = random(0, 3)
			select direction
				case 0:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx, currenty - 2) and currenty - 2 > 0
						obj.maze[currenty - 2, currentx] = 0 // clear path
						obj.maze[currenty - 1, currentx] = 0 // between
						currenty = currenty - 2
				case 1:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx, currenty + 2) and currenty +2 < hgt
						obj.maze[currenty + 2, currentx] = 0
						obj.maze[currenty + 1, currentx] = 0
						currenty = currenty + 2
				case 2:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx - 2, currenty) and currentx - 2 > 0
						obj.maze[currenty - 2, currentx] = 0
						obj.maze[currenty - 1, currentx] = 0
						currentx = currentx - 2
				case 3:
					if maze_not_visited(obj, currentx + 2, currenty) and currentx + 2 < wid
						obj.maze[currenty, currentx + 2] = 0
						obj.maze[currenty, currentx + 1] = 0
						currentx = currentx + 2
			Check if maze is done (the silly bit)
		for h = 1 to hgt - 1 step 2
			for w = 1 to wid - 1 step 2
				if obj.maze[h, w] = 1
					done = 1
					exit // quick exit if not done
			if done = 1 then exit
	until done = 0
endfunction obj

function maze_print(obj ref as MAZE)
	print (obj.wid)
	print (obj.hgt)
	print (random(0, 2) - 1) // HUH
	for h = 0 to obj.hgt
		s as string = ""
		for w = 0 to obj.wid
			if obj.maze[h, w] = 1 then s = s + "#" else s = s + " "
		print (s)

Not quite working… Need a nap… Not well…

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