Elsewhere there are things that we all miss, yet it takes just one to notice...

TCP C++ server upgrades

A quick snippet from tonight’s diary entry:

20:30 – I’m still reading up on some stuff about non-blocking TCP server programming and so far the best examples come from http://developerweb.net/viewtopic.php?id=2933. Ideally what I want is NOT to have a shed load of threads running, which I’ll be using a thread manager for, but a way of quickly determining if a connection is valid before shutting it down.

By the looks of the examples,  a continuous loop could be checking upto 1024 connections at any time before sending them off to another thread. This method has caught my attention big time because I should be able to setup some kind of timeout very quickly to close the connection if it doesn’t respond to the initial connection request. And I can still serve 100 to 1000 devices without any problems at all.

The same single thread can be constantly checking for connections and readability. It’s the readability part that matters the most here because it will be timed very precisely. Once a connection passes the readability test by passing the initial CSPRNG test, then it can go to a thread handler. Otherwise it gets closed. All of this a single core/thread can easily handle.

I will be studying this a lot further as this looks to be the way forward for a tcp server.

And this is just from my crappy laptop at home.

Basically, the new software upgrades to the server will be 1000 times more efficient than the current Java version. Although once in the cloud, the Java version can easily serve over 500 devices because of the bandwidth increase.

The updated C++ version will increase that significantly as well as handle dodgy connections better. Once a connection has passed the CSPRNG test then the TIMEOUT increases a smidgen.

I’ve already got the CSPRNG functions running and tested and written in assembler code to reduce that bottleneck too.

Until next time… WLGfx…

MS Access Databases

They’re really just as simple as using */UNIX…


I’ve been faffing about with my database for most of the night and after relearning a few things, I deleted all my queries and forms and started again.

The relationships screen is where I now layout everything and then I decide to add tables from there well before I start designing the forms.

What I had before would have worked, but I wanted this to be perfect. And that’s why I deleted all my previous work. Using the relationships between Tables and Queries really does make life easier when building up forms and reports.

So far though, with my own project, I’ve not had the need for any VBA unlike at work. The experiences from my own project and the works one too will benefit both projects. I’m hoping that when I decide on changes for the works project, it won’t be too big. Luckily enough, both of them are at the moment small databases.

Just with tonight’s ‘messing’ around, I’ve actually got back to fully understanding the relational side of linking tables and queries. And how it makes creating forms much easier.

It’s only been about two weeks now I think getting back into MS Access, there about.

Ah well… My server and test devices are still running. 🙂

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